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Short-Term VS Long-term Leases

Short-Term VS Long-term Leases

Like everything in life, there are advantages and disadvantages to short-term and long-term leases. If you are considering your future and doing research first, you are on your way to making an intelligent and educated decision. Occasionally we don't have the indulgence of choosing between short-term or long-term leases when we need to guarantee housing for ourselves. But if you can look into things, consider what will fit best, research your options, and plot your next move, you will be ...

Understanding a Month-to-Month Lease

Understanding a Month-to-Month Lease

Month-to-month leases are often hard to comprehend, but a potential tenant needs to be a savvy advocate for themself when contemplating entering an agreement to lease property from a landlord, particularly in a short-term arrangement that can change rapidly. When reviewing a month-to-month lease, it is smart to read the terms carefully and do research, ideally before signing a lease. You may need to research to understand any "legalese" you might experience when studying the lease t...

What Happens When You Break Your Lease

What Happens When You Break Your Lease

Life happens. Things transform in the blink of an eye. A new career opportunity opens up in a remote city, a family member needs you to move closer to care for them while they're ill, or the moment arrives to transform a long-distance relationship into something more suitable. Sadly, all of these items stick to a different plan than a standard apartment lease. Statistically, it's unlikely that you'll need to move precisely when your lease ends. So what does that imply fo...

Five Qualities of Walkable Neighborhoods

Five Qualities of Walkable Neighborhoods

Humans are meant to be involved in their communities, fortifying their bodies and social bonds while getting to know the world around them. There are various benefits of living in a location where you can easily walk to where you want to go. Daily physical activity is proven to be vital for preserving your health and wellness throughout life. Walking is a straightforward form of training that is easy on joints and ideal for emotional well-being. This probably has something to do with the fact...

The Pros of Travelling for Work

The Pros of Travelling for Work

Are you in the middle of the debate of whether you will accept a long work assignment or not? Do you want to further your career but are not sure if you can handle a long stay in a new city? When it comes to travelling for work, it can be a difficult decision, especially for those who have many responsibilities here at home. However, if you are open to the possibility of work travel, you can benefit from the many advantages it offers. Enjoy Your Independence Many people ...

Struggling to Sleep While Away for Work? Follow These Tips

Struggling to Sleep While Away for Work? Follow These Tips

When you are away on a work assignment, you likely have to start each day bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to tackle any projects that come your way at work that day. You are there to do a job, after all, so you need to perform. When you are staying in our temporary housing in Greenville, SC, you can enjoy a comfortable place to rest your head at night. Although it is comfortable, it can still be difficult to fall asleep when you do not have the right nighttime habits. These are a few tips...

5 Tips for Cleaning Your Corporate Housing Unit When Away for Work

5 Tips for Cleaning Your Corporate Housing Unit When Away for Work

As you travel for work, you can enjoy all the perks of home while living in our corporate housing in Greenville, SC. We will take care of any of the accommodations you need, as you will want furniture and kitchen essentials to make your stay a breeze. Although you can be more comfortable, you will still have some cleaning responsibilities when you are traveling for work.  These are a few tips to keep your unit clean. Stock Cleaning Supplies When you are staying in o...

How to Stay Connected When You Are Traveling for Work

How to Stay Connected When You Are Traveling for Work

Are you struggling to stay connected when you are always traveling for work? Work trips can be great for your career, but they can make it seem like you are always on the road or you are always disconnected from friends and family. To avoid feeling lonely, you should try these activities to stay connected when on long work trips. Make Plans with Loved Ones While living on your own gives you your own space, you still want to stay connected to those you love. Check in with...

5 Tips to Pack for an Extended Work Stay

5 Tips to Pack for an Extended Work Stay

Are you preparing for a long work trip? When you work in a career that requires you to stay on work assignment for weeks or months at a time, you are likely no stranger to packing for a work trip. However, if you are about to embark on your first long work assignment, you may be having a difficult time choosing what you should pack. These are a few tips to packing for your extended work stay. Think about the Destination When you are packing clothing and other essentials ...

How to Rest Better During Business Travel

How to Rest Better During Business Travel

Business travel can be a cognitive and physical drain, from prep to commute. Mapping out unknown territories, meeting with coworkers, and other realities of corporate travels can leave rest low on the focus list of any business traveler. However, you'll find that a good night's sleep is required if you're handling day-to-day work obligations. To help you sleep better when journeying for business, experts from our temporary housing in Spartanburg, SC, prepared a few sleep tips to g...

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Contact Us 

Upstate Corporate Housing
514 NE Main street
Simpsonville 29681

(864) 963-0182

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